原版英语对话1000个:210 Rugby
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    Todd: OK, Leonard, you're from New Zealand.

    Leo: Yes. Yes.

    Todd: So we're going to talk about your country's national pastime.

    Leo: Oh, that would be Rugby.

    Todd: OK.

    Leo: Uh, the All Blacks is well known around the world, especially here in Japan.

    Todd: Uh-huh.

    Leo: Especially if you talk to nearly any Japanese, they'll know the word All Black.

    Todd: Yeah.

    Leo: It's actually the World Cup, uh, this year, in October.

    Todd: Really, where, where is the World Cup?

    Leo: It's actually held in Australia.

    Todd: Oh, really!

    Leo: And around, around, mainly around Sydney.

    Todd: OK.

    Leo: And right now is the rugby Tri-Nation Cup, which is a match between New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.

    Todd: OK. Do you play rugby?

    Leo: I don't play rugby. I played rugby in school, but I actually play soccer.

    Todd: Oh, really! OK. So you're kind of a, an anomoly?

    Leo: Yes, yes, yes! I do support the team, and I like to watch all the games.

    Todd: Uh-huh!

    Leo: And I have a lot of friends here in Japan, and we get together just to watch the game. There's actually a game this Saturday. New Zealand against Australia, which is a big one.

    Todd: Are you going to watch he game?

    Leo: Oh, Yes! Definitely!

    Todd: All right! Well, go, go All Blacks.

    Leo: That's right.

    Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot Leonard.

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