原版英语对话1000个:246 First Job
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    Todd: Lois, what was your first job?

    Lois: The first job I had was a sales assistant in a shoe shop.

    Todd: Oh, shoes

    Lois: Shoe shop, yeah! When I was fifteen, I got my first job and I used to work every Saturday for maybe 8 hours a day and I used to earn, 1 pound 77 pence per hour.

    Todd: It doesn't sound like very much

    Lois: No, so in England now, the minimum I think is maybe 5 pounds.

    Todd: Oh, wow!

    Lois: So by the time I'd got the bus to Bournemouth,the town, and bought my breakfast at Mcdonald's, and then gone out for lunch and then got the bus home, I had no money left, but at the time cause I got paid at the end of the month , I always thought I had money, because suddenly all this money would appear in my bank account, but then I would have already spent it all, within the day of work.

    Todd: Wow. So how long did you last at this job?

    Lois: I worked all together I think in three different shoe shops, so the first one I worked in for a year and then that one closed down, so then they moved me to another one, the same company, and then from that one I moved to another one , but then I had to leave my job when I had to do my exams at school cause I needed to study.

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