to speak the language, especially around other people who speak both languages and maybe you're afraid that somebody is gonna correct you, which is actually a good thing, so you have to be able to let yourself speak it in front of other people who can make those corrections for you so the next time you say those things you'll say them correctly or maybe a little better.
Kara: And that's exactly what it is. I am much more comfortable to speak Spanish to an only Spanish speaker than I am so somebody who speaks both languages, maybe because I am afraid of that person correcting me or teasing me about the mistakes that I make, so.
Lupe: It's also great that you're going down there not only for vacation but you are actually gonna be enrolled in school because it's always good to practice a language but it's great to be able to also sit in a class room studying and learn all the grammar and make sure that you are also reading and writing it and you understand it that way also. It's really important.
Kara: And I'll be living with a family so I get lot of practice at the house also.
Lupe: Yeah, that will definitely help you out and I am sure that, you know, after you come back, maybe you'll feel a little more comfortable since you were in a different country where that is basically all that you are speaking.
Kara: That's very true. But I've always noticed my favorite people to practice with are little kids. Their Spanish, or in any language, is so simple that it's fun to talk to them, just like with English. When you're learning English, a two-year old or a three-year old, you can talk to them, and they don't notice your mistakes but they'll understand exactly what you're saying, so...
Lupe: Well, you can always come over and practice with my little cousins or my little nephew and nieces.
Kara: Thanks.
Kara: And that's exactly what it is. I am much more comfortable to speak Spanish to an only Spanish speaker than I am so somebody who speaks both languages, maybe because I am afraid of that person correcting me or teasing me about the mistakes that I make, so.
Lupe: It's also great that you're going down there not only for vacation but you are actually gonna be enrolled in school because it's always good to practice a language but it's great to be able to also sit in a class room studying and learn all the grammar and make sure that you are also reading and writing it and you understand it that way also. It's really important.
Kara: And I'll be living with a family so I get lot of practice at the house also.
Lupe: Yeah, that will definitely help you out and I am sure that, you know, after you come back, maybe you'll feel a little more comfortable since you were in a different country where that is basically all that you are speaking.
Kara: That's very true. But I've always noticed my favorite people to practice with are little kids. Their Spanish, or in any language, is so simple that it's fun to talk to them, just like with English. When you're learning English, a two-year old or a three-year old, you can talk to them, and they don't notice your mistakes but they'll understand exactly what you're saying, so...
Lupe: Well, you can always come over and practice with my little cousins or my little nephew and nieces.
Kara: Thanks.