Todd: So, Rebecca, talking about shopping, is shopping something you enjoy doing?
Rebecca: Yes, when I'm in the mood for it. Definitely.
Todd: So I guess when you talk about shopping, we talk about clothes shopping, mainly right, so how often do you go clothes shopping?
Rebecca: Not very often. Maybe once every three months. It depends on my money. If I have the money.
Todd: Do you usually follow the fashions? Try to stay hip, and you know?
Rebecca: No, because sometimes the fashions aren't comfortable. I prefer comfortable clothing.
Todd: So are you a bargain shopper?
Rebecca: I try to be but if there is something that I really, really like, I will save up and buy it.
Todd: For example what is something you saved up to buy?
Rebecca: I saved up to buy a really nice black jacket and I've had that now for two years so it was definitely a good purchase.
Todd: And you bought this in Australia?
Rebecca: Yeah, it wasn't during the sale, so...
Todd: So how much did it cost?
Rebecca: I think it was about two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars. Yeah, so it was quite expensive for me.
Todd: Wow, that is a lot.
Rebecca: Mm.
Todd: Have you ever bought any clothes online?
Rebecca: No, I haven't but my friends have and my friends have bought shoes and dresses and tops and, yeah, they really love shopping online.
Todd: Now, they have no problems? Everything is OK?
Rebecca: Everything is OK. They haven't had any problems at all.
Todd: So how come you don't shop online?
Rebecca: I think I prefer the contact with sales people and seeing dresses and clothes and trying them on. You never know if they're going to fit or not.
Todd: Right. Right.
Rebecca: Yes, when I'm in the mood for it. Definitely.
Todd: So I guess when you talk about shopping, we talk about clothes shopping, mainly right, so how often do you go clothes shopping?
Rebecca: Not very often. Maybe once every three months. It depends on my money. If I have the money.
Todd: Do you usually follow the fashions? Try to stay hip, and you know?
Rebecca: No, because sometimes the fashions aren't comfortable. I prefer comfortable clothing.
Todd: So are you a bargain shopper?
Rebecca: I try to be but if there is something that I really, really like, I will save up and buy it.
Todd: For example what is something you saved up to buy?
Rebecca: I saved up to buy a really nice black jacket and I've had that now for two years so it was definitely a good purchase.
Todd: And you bought this in Australia?
Rebecca: Yeah, it wasn't during the sale, so...
Todd: So how much did it cost?
Rebecca: I think it was about two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars. Yeah, so it was quite expensive for me.
Todd: Wow, that is a lot.
Rebecca: Mm.
Todd: Have you ever bought any clothes online?
Rebecca: No, I haven't but my friends have and my friends have bought shoes and dresses and tops and, yeah, they really love shopping online.
Todd: Now, they have no problems? Everything is OK?
Rebecca: Everything is OK. They haven't had any problems at all.
Todd: So how come you don't shop online?
Rebecca: I think I prefer the contact with sales people and seeing dresses and clothes and trying them on. You never know if they're going to fit or not.
Todd: Right. Right.