原版英语对话1000个:952 New Old Thing
教程:原版英语对话1000个  浏览:695  
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    Todd: What's the last cool thing you bought at a flea market?
    Melissa: I bought an old, vintage style radio but that wasn't at a flea market. The last cool thing I bought at a flea market? Well, I kind of went to a ... it was like a flea market. I mean, kids on the university campus were selling their old clothes and stuff and I got this very nice winter jacket for about 50 cents.
    Todd: 50 cents?
    Melissa: Yes.
    Todd: Wow!
    Melissa: Yeah. It's right there. That one. It's green.
    Todd: That's a nice jacket!
    Melissa: Thanks.
    Todd: I like the price. Like, they said, "nope" - 75 cents - too much. 25 cents - too cheap. Now did you haggle for 50 cents?
    Melissa: No, now that jacket was actually that price, but some other kids at a different spot on the same site were doing a game where you shoot down things with this kind of play gun and get points and then depending on how many points you got, you could choose from a different group of stuff. So, I was shooting for a CD-Stereo, but I ended up only getting a jacket and and a hat and some accessories like a watch and a necklace. Yeah, so that was kind of disappointing 'cause I ended up walking away with a bunch of stuff I didn't want or need. That was good on their behalf. I thought that was a good sales tactic, 'cause I thought I was playing a game and I was enjoying shooting stuff down and getting points but then I realized I was acquiring these things I didn't need.
      上一篇:原版英语对话1000个:951 Flea Market 下一篇:原版英语对话1000个:953 Arranged Marriage

