Shifani: Yes, exactly or anything that people called up and talked about. It was very childish stuff but mainly geared at teenagers.
Todd: How did your parents feel about it?
Shifani: Very proud of me obviously. At the age of twelve, their daughter was a DJ, what could be better than that? So they really enjoyed it. I remember they would listen to it every single time, record it and then listen to it over and over again when they could.
Todd: That's fantastic. So were you like a little celebrity at your school?
Shifani: I ended up becoming one. A lot of my friends also did the same recording of my voice on the radio, it was a big thing to be a radio person then being only twelve. So my friends thought it was absolutely fantastic and they would take it to school and quite often play it around. So yeah I ended up getting a celebrity status.
Todd: So when you were young and you were this DJ, did you envision yourself being a DJ for a long time?
Shifani: Actually, no I hadn't. I really enjoyed it, had a lot of fun but it was a hobby. It was never something I wanted to do as a profession.
Todd: So in the future you had a child and they wanted to do this, would you encourage them to do it?
Shifani: I absolutely would because if they enjoy it and they enjoy it so much that they want to take it up as a career why not? With me it was a hobby.
Todd: Now what about podcasts? Would you encourage young people to maybe have their own podcast?
Shifani: I think that's a fantastic idea. I think it's really good to be able to express yourself and through podcasts they can do exactly that.
Todd: How did your parents feel about it?
Shifani: Very proud of me obviously. At the age of twelve, their daughter was a DJ, what could be better than that? So they really enjoyed it. I remember they would listen to it every single time, record it and then listen to it over and over again when they could.
Todd: That's fantastic. So were you like a little celebrity at your school?
Shifani: I ended up becoming one. A lot of my friends also did the same recording of my voice on the radio, it was a big thing to be a radio person then being only twelve. So my friends thought it was absolutely fantastic and they would take it to school and quite often play it around. So yeah I ended up getting a celebrity status.
Todd: So when you were young and you were this DJ, did you envision yourself being a DJ for a long time?
Shifani: Actually, no I hadn't. I really enjoyed it, had a lot of fun but it was a hobby. It was never something I wanted to do as a profession.
Todd: So in the future you had a child and they wanted to do this, would you encourage them to do it?
Shifani: I absolutely would because if they enjoy it and they enjoy it so much that they want to take it up as a career why not? With me it was a hobby.
Todd: Now what about podcasts? Would you encourage young people to maybe have their own podcast?
Shifani: I think that's a fantastic idea. I think it's really good to be able to express yourself and through podcasts they can do exactly that.