1-- Feel the fabric on that thing.
2-- It's kind of rough.
1-- That's because it's burlap. Basically, you're talking $ 7,000 for a designer potato sack.
2-- I can't believe people actually buy this stuff.
1-- I can't believe they wear it and usually just once before they'll chuck it to make room for the next season.
1-- But that's fashion, and I've got to say, I love it. You're not too much into it, are you?
2-- No, not really. So how's it going? Brutal, huh? Nothing I do is good enough. He treats me like dirt.
2-- No, not really.
1-- So, how's it going?
2-- Um...
1-- Brutal, huh?
2-- Nothing I do is good enough. He treats me like dirt.
3.be too much into it 对某事很有兴趣
1-- 摸摸那东西的面料。
2-- 有点粗糙。
1-- 因为这是粗麻布,事实上,你说的是价值7000美元的设计师设计的土豆麻袋。
2-- 我真不敢相信人们真的会去买这种东西。
1-- 我不敢相信她们会穿着东西,而且通常在她们为下一季腾出空间前,只穿过一次。
1-- 但这就叫潮流,而且我得说,我就是喜欢。你不太感兴趣,是吗?
2-- 不,不完全是。那怎么样呢?很残酷,哈?我做的事情没有一件令人满意,他就像对待垃圾一样对我。
2-- 不,不完全是。
1-- 工作怎么样?
2-- 呃……
1-- 很残忍啊?
2-- 我没有一件事做得令人满意,他对待我就像对待垃圾一样。