1-- Hi, this is Albert.
2-- Hi, my name is Jack. You called about a room for rent. Are you still interested?
1-- Yes, more than you know.
2-- I don't mean to pry, but could I ask you a couple of questions?
1-- Ask away.
2-- I don't want us to be roommates who don't get along.
1-- Yes, we must get along if we are going to be roommates.
2-- Is partying one of your priorities?
1-- I'm a student. I don't have time to party.
2-- Very good. Now, do you clean up after yourself?
1-- I clean up my own mess, and I expect others to do so, too.
2-- What time do you usually hit the sack?
1-- Occasionally, I stay up late if there's a big test the next day.
2-- What about smoking?
1-- If I ever get elected President, I will ban smoking nationwide.
2-- Very good. Now, would you like to ask me anything?
1-- Yes, I have one question. Do I have to park in the street?
2-- I'm sorry. Yes, you have to park your car in the street.
1-- I hate street parking, but I need the apartment now.
2-- Very good. Just call me when you're ready to move your stuff over here.
1-- How about if I come over tomorrow afternoon?
2-- Just ring the doorbell. I'll be here all day.
1-- 嗨,我是艾伯特。
2-- 嗨,我叫杰克。你打电话说要租一个房间。你还感兴趣吗?
1-- 是的,比你知道的还要多。
2-- 我无意窥探,但我能问你几个问题吗?
1-- 走开。
2-- 我不希望我们成为不和的室友。
1-- 是的,如果我们要成为室友,我们必须和睦相处。
2-- 参加派对是你的首要任务吗?
1-- 我是一名学生。我没有时间参加聚会。
2-- 很好。现在,你自己收拾好了吗?
1-- 我清理自己的烂摊子,我希望其他人也这样做。
2-- 你通常什么时候上床睡觉?
1-- 偶尔,如果第二天有大考,我会熬夜。
2-- 吸烟怎么样?
1-- 如果我当选总统,我将在全国范围内禁烟。
2-- 很好。现在,你想问我什么吗?
1-- 是的,我有一个问题。我必须把车停在街上吗?
2-- 对不起。是的,你必须把车停在街上。
1-- 我讨厌路边停车,但我现在需要公寓。
2-- 很好。你准备把东西搬过来的时候打电话给我。
1-- 我明天下午过来怎么样?
2-- 只要按门铃。我会在这里呆一整天。