1-- What a nice day!
2-- I’m glad we decided to walk today.
1-- I agree.
2-- I can’t believe how clear the sky is right now.
1-- I know, and look how pretty those roses are.
2-- You can tell it’s springtime.
1-- The flowers are blooming so beautifully this year.
2-- I think that guy is selling ice cream.
1-- Should we get an ice cream cone?
2-- I would love some ice cream right now.
1-- I’ll pay for it.
2-- Thank you. That’s so nice.
2.right now现在
1-- 多么美好的一天!
2-- 我很高兴我们今天决定步行。
1-- 我同意。
2-- 我简直不敢相信现在的天空有多晴朗。
1-- 我知道,看看那些玫瑰有多漂亮。
2-- 你可以看出现在是春天。
1-- 今年的花开得很漂亮。
2-- 我想那家伙在卖冰淇淋。
1-- 我们要不要来一个冰淇淋蛋卷?
2-- 我现在就想吃冰淇淋。
1-- 我会付钱的。
2-- 非常感谢。太好了。