1-- Hi, I'm Ron from Hawaii. I'm here with Mari from Japan. Today we will be talking about abilities. So, Mari, are you a good cook?
2-- I like to cook, more specifically, I like to cook for people. I like to have people over and eat with people. I don't really like to eat alone, so I don't like to cook for myself. I like to cook for other people, but more than cooking I like to bake.
1-- Baking. What do you like to bake?
2-- Cookies and brownies and cake.
1-- That sounds very good. I would like to eat one of your brownies. OK, next, are you a good singer?
2-- I am terrible at singing. I don't like going to karaoke and I don't like to sing. I like music, but I can't sing for my life. I, yesterday, or I guess in class it was a students birthday and I made my students sing Happy Birthday but they wouldn't start so I had to start them off singing and my voice was so bad, they started laughing at me, so I'm just a terrible singer.
1-- That's funny. OK, next. Are you a good dancer?
2-- No, I'm not a good dancer. I can't dance at all. I used to when I was younger, my parents would enroll me in ballet classes, so I did ballet for six years but I am not very good at dancing.
1-- So, you're a teacher now right? So, were you a good student when you were a student?
2-- I was a good student because I'm a dork. No, yeah, I think I was a good student. I tried hard in all of my classes. I always did my homework. I was always focused and took notes during class. If I didn't understand something, I would either ask questions in class or speak to the teacher or professor after class. I always really liked learning and so I think that's why I was a really good student.
1-- And athletics? Were you a good athlete, and are you a good athlete now?
2-- That's a tricky question. I like sports, and I like playing sports. I don't think I'm a very good athlete, probably compared to you, I'm probably not, but I really enjoy playing sports. In high school, I played soccer. I ran cross-country. I played ice-hockey and a little bit of lacrosse.
1-- And which one was your favorite sport?
2-- My favorite sport was ice-hockey.
1-- Interesting.
1-- 嗨,我是来自夏威夷的Ron。这是来自日本的Mari。今天我们讨论的话题叫能力。Mari,你很会做饭吗?
1-- 烘烤。你喜欢烘什么啊?
2-- I like to cook, more specifically, I like to cook for people. I like to have people over and eat with people. I don't really like to eat alone, so I don't like to cook for myself. I like to cook for other people, but more than cooking I like to bake.
1-- Baking. What do you like to bake?
2-- Cookies and brownies and cake.
1-- That sounds very good. I would like to eat one of your brownies. OK, next, are you a good singer?
2-- I am terrible at singing. I don't like going to karaoke and I don't like to sing. I like music, but I can't sing for my life. I, yesterday, or I guess in class it was a students birthday and I made my students sing Happy Birthday but they wouldn't start so I had to start them off singing and my voice was so bad, they started laughing at me, so I'm just a terrible singer.
1-- That's funny. OK, next. Are you a good dancer?
2-- No, I'm not a good dancer. I can't dance at all. I used to when I was younger, my parents would enroll me in ballet classes, so I did ballet for six years but I am not very good at dancing.
1-- So, you're a teacher now right? So, were you a good student when you were a student?
2-- I was a good student because I'm a dork. No, yeah, I think I was a good student. I tried hard in all of my classes. I always did my homework. I was always focused and took notes during class. If I didn't understand something, I would either ask questions in class or speak to the teacher or professor after class. I always really liked learning and so I think that's why I was a really good student.
1-- And athletics? Were you a good athlete, and are you a good athlete now?
2-- That's a tricky question. I like sports, and I like playing sports. I don't think I'm a very good athlete, probably compared to you, I'm probably not, but I really enjoy playing sports. In high school, I played soccer. I ran cross-country. I played ice-hockey and a little bit of lacrosse.
1-- And which one was your favorite sport?
2-- My favorite sport was ice-hockey.
1-- Interesting.
1-- 嗨,我是来自夏威夷的Ron。这是来自日本的Mari。今天我们讨论的话题叫能力。Mari,你很会做饭吗?
1-- 烘烤。你喜欢烘什么啊?