A: What in the world is that smell?
B: The aroma of roasting coffee beans.
A: Smells like you're baking something. What are those?
B: Green beans. They pop and turn brown when you roast them.
A: Cool! But isn't that a hot air popcorn popper?
B: This machine roasts the beans just right. If you roast them too long, or the temperature is too hot...
A: The beans will burn. I know. I've tasted burnt coffee before...yuck!
★ aroma (n.) 香味
★ roast (v.) 烘焙
He roasted a chicken for dinner.
★bake (v.) 烤。这两个字的差别在于bake是将食物放在烤箱中烘烤,而roast除了表示放在烤箱里烤,也可以是放在火上烤
The bread is baking in the oven.
★ pop (v.) 爆开
It came out pop. 那东西砰的一声就出来了.
★ popcorn popper 爆制爆米花的机器
★ temperature (n.) 温度
A: 那究竟是什么味道?
B: 烘焙咖啡豆的香味。
A: 闻味道还以为是你在烤什么东西吃。这些是什么?
B: 生咖啡豆。当你烘焙它们的时候,它们就会爆开,并变成棕色。
A: 酷!但那不是一台爆米花机吗?
B: 用这机器来烘焙咖啡豆正好。要是烘焙过久,或是温度太高……
A: 那么咖啡豆就会烧焦。我知道。我喝过煮焦的咖啡……好难喝!