Accord: agreement
Air: to make known, broadcast
Assail: To criticize strongly
Axe: To dismiss from a job; To cut, destroy, take away
Back: To support
Balk: To refuse to accept
Ban: Prohibition; prohibit
Bar: Not to allow, exclude
Bid: Attempt, offer
Bilk: To cheat
Blast: Explosion; strong criticism; To criticize strongly; strike with explosives
Blaze: Fire
Blow: Injury / disappointment suffered
Boost: promotion/promote, increase, support
Chide: Ridicule,scold
Claim: To declare to be true; To kill
Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.); To disagree strongly; fight (v.)
Cool: Uninterested; unfriendly
Coup: Revolution, change in government
Accord: agreement
Air: to make known, broadcast
Assail: To criticize strongly
Axe: To dismiss from a job; To cut, destroy, take away
Back: To support
Balk: To refuse to accept
Ban: Prohibition; prohibit
Bar: Not to allow, exclude
Bid: Attempt, offer
Bilk: To cheat
Blast: Explosion; strong criticism; To criticize strongly; strike with explosives
Blaze: Fire
Blow: Injury / disappointment suffered
Boost: promotion/promote, increase, support
Chide: Ridicule,scold
Claim: To declare to be true; To kill
Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.); To disagree strongly; fight (v.)
Cool: Uninterested; unfriendly
Coup: Revolution, change in government