Right now there is an aspiring teacher who is working on a 60-page paper based on some age-old education theory developed by some dead education professor wondering to herself what this task that she's engaging in has to do with what she wants to do with her life, which is be an educator, change lives, and spark magic. Right now there is an aspiring teacher in a graduate school of education who is watching a professor babble on and on about engagement in the most disengaging way possible.
现在 有一位有追求的老师 正在写一篇60页的论文 论文是基于一些古老教育理念, 它们都是由一些早已逝去的教育学教授所开发, 这位老师问她自己, 她正从事的这项任务-- 成为一个教育者, 改变生命并启迪人生-- 和她的工作联系呢。 有一位有理想的老师 正在一所教育研究生院 听着一位教授 用一种最无聊的方式 不停地讲述着教育中的互动。
Right now there is an aspiring teacher who is working on a 60-page paper based on some age-old education theory developed by some dead education professor wondering to herself what this task that she's engaging in has to do with what she wants to do with her life, which is be an educator, change lives, and spark magic. Right now there is an aspiring teacher in a graduate school of education who is watching a professor babble on and on about engagement in the most disengaging way possible. Right now there's a first-year teacher at home who is pouring through lesson plans trying to make sense of standards, who is trying to make sense of how to grade students appropriately, while at the same time saying to herself over and over again, "Don't smile till November," because that's what she was taught in her teacher education program. Right now there's a student who is coming up with a way to convince his mom or dad that he's very, very sick and can't make it to school tomorrow.
现在 有一位一年级老师在家中 正检查课程计划, 试图达到标准的感觉。 这位老师又在想如何才能合理为学生打分, 同时又对她自己 反复地说,"在11 月之前都不要笑," 因为那些都是 她从教育课程学到的。 现在,有一位学生 正试图想出一个主意 去说服他的父母, 他非常非常地不舒服, 明天不能上学了。
On the other hand, right now there are amazing educators that are sharing information, information that is shared in such a beautiful way that the students are sitting at the edge of their seats just waiting for a bead of sweat to drop off the face of this person so they can soak up all that knowledge. Right now there is also a person who has an entire audience rapt with attention, a person that is weaving a powerful narrative about a world that the people who are listening have never imagined or seen before, but if they close their eyes tightly enough, they can envision that world because the storytelling is so compelling. Right now there's a person who can tell an audience to put their hands up in the air and they will stay there till he says, "Put them down." Right now.
现在,在另一方面, 了不起地教育家们 传授知识, 以一种最优美地方式传授知识, 以至于学生坐在他们边缘 只是为了等待一滴甘甜的露珠 从老师的脸上掉下来, 并去汲取所有的知识。 现在,又有一位 让所有观众全神贯注的人, 他编织生动的语言 描绘着 一个听众们 闻所未闻地的世界, 但如果人们紧闭双眼, 便能想像出那个世界, 因为那个故事实在是太精彩。 现在,有一个人 叫观众将手放在空中 直到他说"放下来" 才可以放下来。 现在。
So people will then say, "Well, Chris, you describe the guy who is going through some awful training but you're also describing these powerful educators. If you're thinking about the world of education or urban education in particular, these guys will probably cancel each other out, and then we'll be okay."
这样一来,人们会说, "克里斯,你描述了 正接受可怕训练的伙计, 但你还描述那些有感召力教育者。 如果你在想关于教育的世界, 或专注于城市教育, 那些人可能会有相反的效应并相互抵消, 也就没什么事了。"
The reality is, the folks I described as the master teachers, the master narrative builders, the master storytellers are far removed from classrooms. The folks who know the skills about how to teach and engage an audience don't even know what teacher certification means. They may not even have the degrees to be able to have anything to call an education. And that to me is sad. It's sad because the people who I described, they were very disinterested in the learning process, want to be effective teachers, but they have no models. I'm going to paraphrase Mark Twain. Mark Twain says that proper preparation, or teaching, is so powerful that it can turn bad morals to good, it can turn awful practices into powerful ones, it can change men and transform them into angels.
事实上,我所描述 教育大师, 叙述大师, 讲故事大师, 都离课堂很遥远。 那些掌握如何教学并 与观众互动的人 甚至都不知道什么是教师资格证。 也许他们连可以 叫做教育的东西 都没有。 对我来说,这是一件非常悲哀的事情。 之所以悲哀,是因为我所描述的那些人 他们对学习的过程没有兴趣, 他们想成为高效的老师, 却没有范例。 我要概括一下马克·吐温说过的一句话。 马克·吐温说适当的准备或教学,是非常强大的, 可以将不好的品行变好, 将糟糕的实践变得强有力, 将人们改变, 并将他们改造成为天使。
The folks who I described earlier got proper preparation in teaching, not in any college or university, but by virtue of just being in the same spaces of those who engage. Guess where those places are? Barber shops, rap concerts, and most importantly, in the black church. And I've been framing this idea called Pentecostal pedagogy. Who here has been to a black church? We got a couple of hands. You go to a black church, their preacher starts off and he realizes that he has to engage the audience, so he starts off with this sort of wordplay in the beginning oftentimes, and then he takes a pause, and he says, "Oh my gosh, they're not quite paying attention." So he says, "Can I get an amen?"
我之前所说的那些 有着适当教学准备的人, 他们不在大学里, 只在那些有同样有着人们参与和互动的地方。 猜猜看有哪些地方? 理发店, 说唱音乐会, 和最首要的黑人教堂。 我一直都在构造这个叫做五旬节教学法的主意。 谁去过黑人教堂? 有几个人。 你到一所黑人教堂, 他们的祭祀开始 并意识到他必须吸引观众的目光, 因此他一般 从文字游戏开始, 然后停顿一下, 说:"哦,我的天,他们并没有集中注意力。" 然后他说:"你们可以说阿门么?"
Audience: Amen.
Chris Emdin: So I can I get an amen? Audience: Amen.
克里斯·艾姆丁:大家能一起说"阿门"么? 观众:阿门。
CE: And all of a sudden, everybody's reawoken. That preacher bangs on the pulpit for attention. He drops his voice at a very, very low volume when he wants people to key into him, and those things are the skills that we need for the most engaging teachers. So why does teacher education only give you theory and theory and tell you about standards and tell you about all of these things that have nothing to do with the basic skills, that magic that you need to engage an audience, to engage a student? So I make the argument that we reframe teacher education, that we could focus on content, and that's fine, and we could focus on theories, and that's fine, but content and theories with the absence of the magic of teaching and learning means nothing.
克里斯·艾姆丁:顷刻间,人们都清醒了。 那个祭祀提高传道的声音吸引注意力。 当他想锁住人们的注意力时, 便将音量放得很低, 那些都是最鼓舞人心的老师 所需要的技能。 为什么教师培训 仅是不停地传授理论 并告诉你教学标准, 告诉你那些与基本技能无关的 不能鼓舞观众 和激励学生的,没有魔力的东西呢? 所以我立论:我们应该重塑师资培训, 我们可以专注于教学内容, 我们可以专注于教学理论, 但是只有内容和理论 却没有那教与学的魔力 那都是空谈。
Now people oftentimes say, "Well, magic is just magic." There are teachers who, despite all their challenges, who have those skills, get into those schools and are able to engage an audience, and the administrator walks by and says, "Wow, he's so good, I wish all my teachers could be that good." And when they try to describe what that is, they just say, "He has that magic."
人们常说:"魔力只是魔力罢了。" 有老师不畏挑战 并拥有那些技能 在学校能够激励和鼓舞学生, 当学校管理者路过时便说: "喔,他很会教学!我希望其他老师都可以和他一样优秀。" 但是当他们描述他教学成功的原因时, 他们只说:"他拥有魔力。"
But I'm here to tell you that magic can be taught. Magic can be taught. Magic can be taught. Now, how do you teach it? You teach it by allowing people to go into those spaces where the magic is happening. If you want to be an aspiring teacher in urban education, you've got to leave the confines of that university and go into the hood. You've got to go in there and hang out at the barbershop, you've got to attend that black church, and you've got to view those folks that have the power to engage and just take notes on what they do. At our teacher education classes at my university, I've started a project where every single student that comes in there sits and watches rap concerts. They watch the way that the rappers move and talk with their hands. They study the way that he walks proudly across that stage.
但是我想告诉你们 那种魔力是可以被教的。 魔力是可以被教的。 魔力是可以被教的。 但是怎么去传授? 你可以通过允许人们参观 那些魔力在发生的地方 教授他们这种技能。 如果你想成为城市教育中一位有抱负的老师 你得走出大学的限制 进入到魔力发生的地方。 你得在理发店内与人们交谈, 你得去看看黑人教堂, 你还得去看看 那些有感召力的人 学习他们的做法。 在我大学的教师培训课堂中, 我开启了一个项目, 让每一个学生看说唱音乐会。 他们观察说唱歌手 的步法与说话时的手势。 他们研究说唱歌手在舞台上自信走动的姿态。
They listen to his metaphors and analogies, and they start learning these little things that if they practice enough becomes the key to magic. They learn that if you just stare at a student and raise your eyebrow about a quarter of an inch, you don't have to say a word because they know that that means that you want more. And if we could transform teacher education to focus on teaching teachers how to create that magic then poof! we could make dead classes come alive, we could reignite imaginations, and we can change education.
他们听说唱歌手的暗示和比喻, 他们遍开始学习这些东西, 如果他们有足够的练习, 这些将会成为掌握魔力的关键。 他们学到如果你凝视一个学生 并将你的眉毛抬高四分之一英寸, 你一个字都不用说 因为学生会知道你想要更多的答案。 如果我们可以将将是培训转型, 专注于 对于魔力的教学, 我们可以将无趣的课堂变得生动起来, 我们可以重新点燃想象力, 我们可以改变教育。
Thank you.