US Economy Improves, But Not for Everyone
From VOA Learning English, this is As It Is.
Welcome back. I’m Caty Weaver in Washington.
Most economic experts say the United States is experiencing an economic recovery following thefinancial crisis that began five years ago. The grossdomestic product -- the measurement of total goodsand services -- is growing quickly. And theunemployment rate has fallen to levels seen before thecrisis.
But 2014 may still be a difficult year for someunemployed Americans. We will meet one suchAmerican on the show today.
“I applied for a job yesterday. There were 865 applications went in for that onejob.”
Then, we’ll report on the continuing efforts to legalize marijuana in the UnitedStates. One state welcomed the New Year with the first legal sales of thedrug for use as recreation.
“Prohibition is over.”
Reports on work and play in America today on As It Is.
US Job Market Remains Difficult for Many
In January 2008, the unemployment rate in the United States was around fivepercent. But by the end of the year it had increased to 7.3 percent. Just oneyear later, it had increased to almost 10 percent. The country had quicklyentered its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Experts say the economy is now in full recovery. The unemployment rate isdown to about seven percent. Still, millions of Americans are out of work, likeKathy Biscotti.
“I’m 51 years old, born, bred, raised in Baltimore. My father was a plumber,my mother was a nurse. I’ve worked my whole life for everything I’ve everhad.”
Ms. Biscotti lost her job as an office assistant six months ago. She receivedher last unemployment check on December 31st.
“I received on Tuesday 332 dollars and now I have to decide what to do. If Igive it to my landlord, then I have no money at all.”
Kathy Boscotti is one of 1.3 million Americans struggling with the sameproblem. Congress did not agree to continue payments to unemployedpeople after December 28th. Conservative lawmakers said an extensionwould make people less likely to work.
Rand Paul is a Republican senator from the state of Kentucky. He wasamong those opposed to an extension. He spoke about the issue on anAmerican television program.
“If you extend it beyond that, you do a disservice to these workers.”
But supporters of the unemployed say that is not true. Christine Owens isexecutive director of the National Employment Law Project. She says most of the four million Americans receiving unemployment payments want to work.
“These are not folks who are just sort of sitting around on their couchwatching TV and eating Christmas candy. These are people who have madea full time job out of trying to find another job.”
For Kathy Biscotti, that means applying for 10 to 20 jobs a week.
“I applied for a job yesterday. There were 865 applications went in for that onejob.”
Ms. Biscotti fears she will become homeless and unable to buy food or pay fortransportation without unemployment payments. Many Americans makepromises, or resolutions, at the beginning of the new year. Her New Year’sresolution is to find work.
“I hope that things turn around in 2014 and I find a job. But I’m pretty muchhopeless, in despair, discouraged, ashamed.”
Lawmakers have extended unemployment payments legislation 11 times. President Obama says Congress must do so again.
“I think we’re a better country than that. We don’t abandon each other whentimes are tough.”
This week, the United States Senate has been debating such a proposal. Butexperts say it could be difficult to pass.
Support for extended unemployment benefits has weakened as the economyhas improved. But even with recent employment gains, the number ofAmericans without jobs for more than 27 months is the highest it has everbeen. These people represent about 40 percent of the total unemployed inAmerica.
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Pot Sales Legal in Colorado
Last week, people around the world celebrated the NewYear with new hopes and dreams for 2014. One statecelebrated with a hope that became law: Coloradobegan legal sales of recreational marijuana.
Here’s Christopher Cruise with our report.
People gathered at a marijuana industry party in Denverto celebrate the New Year last week. The group wasalso celebrating the legalization of recreationalmarijuana sales. In other words, people in Colorado may now purchase thedrug to use for fun. And sales took place at the party.
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People wait to buy recreational marijuana as legal sales of the drug opened in Colorado January 1st.. |
“It’s eight a.m.”
The first buyer was Sean Azzarti.
“Sean, your total is 59 dollars and 74 cents. Thank you very, very much.”
Mr. Azzarti is an Iraq war veteran. He suffers from post-traumatic stressdisorder or PTSD. He bought marijuana to help control the effects of thedisorder.
“How does it feel to finally do it?”
“I get to use recreational cannabis to help alleviate my PTSD. It’s a steppingstone for other states to help other veterans as well.”
A similar measure in the northwestern state of Washington is set to takeeffect later in 2014.
Last month, Uruguay became the first country to legalize the production andsale of marijuana.
Cynthia Johnston was another celebrant and buyer at the party in Denver.
“We have won. And I am so proud of Colorado for being first in the country,first in the world. Prohibition is over.”
Another man said all he needed to buy marijuana -- sometimes called “pot” or “weed” -- was money and a personal identification card. Other supporters of the sale of recreational marijuana are excited about the same opportunity.
“I got some legal weed.”
I’m Christopher Cruise.
And that’s it for As It Is today.
I’m Caty Weaver.
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