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    Holocaust Museum Officials Learn from Rwanda Massacre

    Hello and welcome back to the program that helps youlearn and improve your American English …and showsyou our world …As It Is. I’m Jim Tedder inWashington. Today we turn the clock back 20 years to a time of horror in Rwanda.

    Then we will look forward a day or so to elections inAfghanistan. There may be many young people helpingto decide the country’s leaders. How do they feel aboutan often violent past, and hopes for the future?

    And near the end, we’ll let you hear what America was listening to, 50 yearsago this week. You are listening to VOA.

    Twenty years have passed since hundreds of thousands of people were killedacross Rwanda in just a few months. Members of the country’s ethnic Hutumajority killed about 70 percent of the minority Tutsis, and many moderateHutus.

    Officials from a Holocaust memorial in the United States are visiting placesthroughout Rwanda. They are finding connections between two of the worstmass killings in the 20th century.

    Christopher Cruise joins us with more.

    Skulls and bones fill the back wall of the Ntarama Church Memorial nearKigali.

    “You can see how what has been, way to kill them. Some of them have beenmacheted mostly…”

    A guide says about 5,000 people were killed in this area during the Rwandangenocide of 1994. Visitors to the church can see coffins holding some of thedead. The victims’ old clothing hangs from ropes tied to the top of the building.

    Angelique Mukabukizi was among the few survivors of the attack here. At thetime, she was a young mother. She survived only because her attackers didnot know she was alive. They thought she was stabbed to death.

    Rows of human skulls and bones form a memorial to those who died in the 1994 massacre in Rwanda.

    There is evidence of the attack on her neck and arms. She tells her story to the visitors from the United States. She feels it is important to tell the worldwhat happened in this place.

    “If someone comes to visit the memorial and asks me for the testimony,” shesays, “I do it confidently. It is like showing him the history of Rwanda. Wecannot hide it and if he understands it can be a good lesson for him and therest of the world.”

    The Americans know the importance of learning from the past. They are partof a delegation from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The museum tells visitors about the systematic repression and killing ofJews by Germany and its allies during World War II.

    Michael Abramovitz is the director of the Center for the Prevention ofGenocide. He says one of the main purposes of memorials is to make surehistory is not forgotten.

    “We really want to focus part of our efforts at the museum on raisingawareness, raising consciousness about the fact that genocide did not endafter the Holocaust, sadly, and that we still have a long way to go to realizingour collective vision of ‘never again.’”

    He says visiting the memorial sites in Rwanda is a different experience fromvisiting a museum.

    “We are only 20 years after the genocide in Rwanda and about 75 years afterthe Holocaust. And so what happened here is rawer and obviously there is nosubstitute for actually being on the place where these crimes happened. And that’s a very powerful, that’s a very powerful thing.”

    There are many places across Rwanda like the Ntarama church, wherevictims’ bodies are left on display, and the walls still have bullet holes.

    Some people have criticized Rwanda’s memorials. They say the memorialsdescribe mainly the violence by extremist Hutus against ethnic Tutsis. Theysay little is said about the moderate Hutus who were murdered.

    Rwanda begins marking the anniversary of the genocide on April 7th. That iswhen President Paul Kagame will light a national flame of mourning in Kigali. The torch has been traveling across the country since the beginning of theyear. I’m Christopher Cruise.

    Young Afghans May Influence Elections

    More than 60 percent of Afghanistan’s population is under the age of 25. Thatmeans Afghan youth could be a powerful group of voters in the country’spresidential election on Saturday. Mario Ritter has been following the situationfor us.

    Many Afghans are tired of years of violence. But young people from Afghancities seem hopeful about the future. Haideri Kawash is a football player. Hehopes the new government will keep the country secure.

    "When I come from home to do practice here, there are too much fears, bombblasters, many dangerous things. So I hope that the new government comeand ensure security all over the country."

    Presidential candidates are promising jobs and security to win the votes ofyoung people like him. Fahima Kawoon produces a popular music show. She says Afghanistan will never return to a time when women and youth areignored.

    "When you compare now with five years ago, everything is changed.”

    Back then, she says, women were not working outside the home and girlswere not in school. But now, she sees them everywhere.

    Not everyone is hopeful about the future. A refugee named Rohullah says he is afraid for his life and wants to leave the country. He does not believe thepromises of politicians.

    "All the candidates say after they win the elections they say they are going tobring changes, they always say they are going to being changes for theAfghan people, but I think all they say is just a dream. "

    Fred Kagan is with the American Enterprise Institute. He says no singlecandidate will control the youth vote.

    "I think it is not yet clear how important the youth vote will be in Afghanistan, itdepends on how many young people actually come out to vote and who theyvote for. I don't think that you should expect any one candidate to dominate theyouth market, I would expect they will split."

    Young businesspeople and many involved in politics say they are notconcerned so much about who wins the election. They just want the voting to be fair.

    Fahim Tokhi is the chief of a technology company. He also is active onFacebook. He says young people will protest if they believe the election isunfair.

    "If the election result is corrupt, I think the youth will go to streets and there will be very huge numbers of protesters in the streets in every provinces ofAfghanistan."

    The number of politically active urban young people in Afghanistan is stillsmall. However, they believe their use of media makes them influential. Thispresidential election will give them a chance to prove it. I’m Mario Ritter.

    And I’m Jim Tedder in Washington. It’s hard to believe, but 50 years agotoday, the Beatles were so famous that they had the top five best-sellingsongs in the United States.

      上一篇:VOA慢速英语:美国希望改善与印度的关系 下一篇:VOA慢速英语:社区大学为大家提供简单和低成本的学习机会


