Toyota Plans to Offer a Robotic Leg to Help the Disabled
丰田推出行走辅助机器人 帮助残疾人行走
Japanese carmaker Toyota has designed a robotic leg to help disabled people walk.
The company demonstrated the new device to reporters at its headquarters in Tokyo this week.
The robotic leg is called the Welwalk WW-1000 system. It has a mechanical frame that fits onto a person’s leg below the knee. Patients can practice walking on a special treadmill.
这款机器腿配备Welwalk WW-1000系统,他具有一副机械框架可以安装在人体膝盖以下部分,患者可以通过在一种特殊的跑步机上来训练走路。
Eiichi Saito is a doctor and an executive vice president at Fujita Health University. His university helped Toyota develop the robotic leg.
Eiichi Saito是一名医生同时是 Fujita 健康大学的副校长,他的大学助力丰田公司研发制造出这种机器腿。
Saito said it is designed to be worn on one leg for patients who are paralyzed on one side of their body because of a stroke or other disease.
The device is attached with a strap to the thigh, knee, ankle and foot of the person using it. A motor helps to bend and straighten the knee. Sensors provide information about what is happening and medical staff can control the system through a touch panel screen.
“This helps just barely enough,” said the researcher, who said helping a patient too much can slow recovery.
Japanese carmakers are also making robots
Japanese carmakers have been developing robotics for manufacturing and other uses for many years.
Honda MotorCo., for example, has developed the Asimo humanoid robot that can run, dance and speak.
Toyota’s WelWalk system uses robotic technology to assist people in moving and walking. Toyota took about 10 years to develop the robot walker.
丰田汽车的Welwalk 系统使用机器技术来协助人们移动和走路,大概花费了10年的时间来发明行走机器人。
Toshiyuki Isobe is with Toyota’s Frontier Research Center. He told Reuters news service that it has taken the company time to develop robotics products.
Toshiyuki Isobe在丰田公司前沿研究中心工作,他告诉路透社记者并称发明机器产品消耗的是公司的时间。
“The biggest challenges have been in determining the needs of the robot market, which is relatively new, and to ensure that our products are safe,” he said.
Robots that assist in health care are seen as an important and growing market.
Growing market for robots in healthcare
Eiichi Saito says Toyota’s device is aimed at helping common paralysis caused by health problems like strokes that can happen to aging people. Japan’s population is aging faster than other countries. In 2015, more than 26 percent of Japanese were aged 65 or older.
Eiichi Saito称丰田公司的装置目的是帮助由于健康问题导致的普通瘫痪患者,例如发生在老年人身上的中风。日本的人口比其他国家的老龄化速度快,在2015年,超过26%的日本人达到了65岁甚至更老。
Robotic devices may also be better for patients in some cases. Saito said patients using the device can recover more quickly because the robotic sensors in the WelWalk are more sensitive to movement than a human health worker.
机器人装置也可能在其他案例中对于患者的效果更好,Saito 称:病患通过使用这种装置能恢复的更快,因为在移动上,WelWalk中的机器传感器比人类健康工作者更敏感。
Some experts expect demand for robots used to assist in care of the old and disabled will increase sharply. That is because there will be fewer people in the work force to care for the growing number of older patients.
The International Robotic Federation says more than 37,000 robots used in healthcare for the aged and disabled will be sold between 2016 and 2019. It says the field is expected to increase a lot in the next 20 years.
Toyota plans to rent 100 of the robotic systems to medical centers in Japan later this year. Costs include a $9000 one-time charge and a monthly rental cost of $3,200.
However, competition in walking assistance devices is growing. The medical technology company Hocoma of Switzerland and ReWalk Robotics of the United States also have developed robotic walkers.
I’m Mario Ritter.
Janese carmaker Toyota has designed a robotic leg to help disabled people walk.
The company demonstrated the new device to reporters at its headquarters in Tokyo this week.
The robotic leg is called the Welwalk WW-1000 system. It has a mechanical frame that fits onto a person’s leg below the knee. Patients can practice walking on a special treadmill.
Eiichi Saito is a doctor and an executive vice president at Fujita Health University. His university helped Toyota develop the robotic leg.
Saito said it is designed to be worn on one leg for patients who are paralyzed on one side of their body because of a stroke or other disease.
The device is attached with a strap to the thigh, knee, ankle and foot of the person using it. A motor helps to bend and straighten the knee. Sensors provide information about what is happening and medical staff can control the system through a touch panel screen.
“This helps just barely enough,” said the researcher, who said helping a patient too much can slow recovery.
Japanese carmakers are also making robots
Japanese carmakers have been developing robotics for manufacturing and other uses for many years.
Honda Motor Co., for example, has developed the Asimo humanoid robot that can run, dance and speak.
Toyota’s WelWalk system uses robotic technology to assist people in moving and walking. Toyota took about 10 years to develop the robot walker.
Toshiyuki Isobe is with Toyota’s Frontier Research Center. He told Reuters news service that it has taken the company time to develop robotics products.
“The biggest challenges have been in determining the needs of the robot market, which is relatively new, and to ensure that our products are safe,” he said.
Robots that assist in health care are seen as an important and growing market.
Growing market for robots in healthcare
Eiichi Saito says Toyota’s device is aimed at helping common paralysis caused by health problems like strokes that can happen to aging people. Japan’s population is aging faster than other countries. In 2015, more than 26 percent of Japanese were aged 65 or older.
Robotic devices may also be better for patients in some cases. Saito said patients using the device can recover more quickly because the robotic sensors in the WelWalk are more sensitive to movement than a human health worker.
Some experts expect demand for robots used to assist in care of the old and disabled will increase sharply. That is because there will be fewer people in the work force to care for the growing number of older patients.
The International Robotic Federation says more than 37,000 robots used in healthcare for the aged and disabled will be sold between 2016 and 2019. It says the field is expected to increase a lot in the next 20 years.
Toyota plans to rent 100 of the robotic systems to medical centers in Japan later this year. Costs include a $9000 one-time charge and a monthly rental cost of $3,200.
However, competition in walking assistance devices is growing. The medical technology company Hocoma of Switzerland and ReWalk Robotics of the United States also have developed robotic walkers.
I’m Mario Ritter.
Words in This story
treadmill –n. a machine used for exercise or rehabilitation that has a large belt that moves allowing a person to walk or run on it without moving
paralyzed –adj. unable to move, unable to walk
touch panel screen –n. a kind of computer screen that operated by touching the screen
humanoid –adj. like a human being
challenge –n. a difficult task, something that is hard to do