Ralph: I have a reservation for a car.
Clerk: What is the last name on the reservation?
Ralph: It’s Furcal.
Clerk: Just one moment. I have a reservation for Ralph Furcal, picking up today and returning on the 19th.
Ralph: Yes, that’s right. I reserved an economy car .
Clerk: We do have an economy car reserved for you, but for $3.00 more per day, you canupgrade to a mid-sized car . And, for only $5.00 more per day, you can upgrade to aconvertible . Would you like to take advantage of either of these offers ?
Ralph: No, thanks. I’ll stick to the economy car.
Clerk: That’s fine. If you’ll just sign here and initial here, here, and here, please. Would you like to purchase insurance for the car?
Ralph: No, thanks.
Clerk: Okay, then just sign here to decline the insurance. Be sure to return the car with a fullgas tank or you’ll be charged $3.00 per gallon. Remember also that you are not allowedadditional drivers unless they are over the age of 25.
Ralph: Okay, I’ll do that.
Clerk: Here is your contract . Your car is in parking space number W34. Just show yourpaperwork to the employee at the gate as you exit the parking lot. Do you need a localmap?
Ralph: Yes, I’d like one. Thanks.
Clerk: Here you are. Have a good stay in our city.
Ralph: Thanks. I appreciate it.
Clerk: What is the last name on the reservation?
Ralph: It’s Furcal.
Clerk: Just one moment. I have a reservation for Ralph Furcal, picking up today and returning on the 19th.
Ralph: Yes, that’s right. I reserved an economy car .
Clerk: We do have an economy car reserved for you, but for $3.00 more per day, you canupgrade to a mid-sized car . And, for only $5.00 more per day, you can upgrade to aconvertible . Would you like to take advantage of either of these offers ?
Ralph: No, thanks. I’ll stick to the economy car.
Clerk: That’s fine. If you’ll just sign here and initial here, here, and here, please. Would you like to purchase insurance for the car?
Ralph: No, thanks.
Clerk: Okay, then just sign here to decline the insurance. Be sure to return the car with a fullgas tank or you’ll be charged $3.00 per gallon. Remember also that you are not allowedadditional drivers unless they are over the age of 25.
Ralph: Okay, I’ll do that.
Clerk: Here is your contract . Your car is in parking space number W34. Just show yourpaperwork to the employee at the gate as you exit the parking lot. Do you need a localmap?
Ralph: Yes, I’d like one. Thanks.
Clerk: Here you are. Have a good stay in our city.
Ralph: Thanks. I appreciate it.