教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:422  
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    Dennis:I just got a new sales job and I’m going to be making a bundle.

    Irene:What kind of job is it?

    Dennis:I’ll be working strictly on commission. The more I sell, the more I earn. It’s a great opportunity for someone with my talents in sales.

    Irene:I know you’re great at sales and I’m sure you’ll do well, but you can’t coast in a job based on commissions. You’ll have to work really, really hard.

    Dennis:I’m not worried. For me, selling is second nature. I’ll barely have to lift a finger and the profits will come rolling in.

    Irene:But isn’t your paycheck going to be in flux all the time? You’ll never know what your take-home pay will be.

    Dennis:There’s no cap on how much I can earn, so the sky’s the limit.

    Irene:That’s not exactly what I meant. Some weeks, it may be hard to live on what you earn, don’t you think?

    Dennis:What? Do I hear a hint of uncertainty in your voice?

    Irene:No, it’s just that…

    Dennis:Put your mind at ease. I could sell ice to Alaskans!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客556:向我道歉! 下一篇:地道美语听力播客558:使用智能手机

