教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:462  
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    Benny:Mom says we’re supposed to share.

    Julia:I know. I’m divvying up the candy right now. Just hold your horses.

    Benny:I want to do it. I want to make sure I get my fair share.

    Julia:I called dibs on dividing up the candy, remember? You snooze you lose.

    Benny:That’s not fair! I wasn’t here when Mom came home.

    Julia:Bummer for you. Okay, I’m done. Here’s your share and here’s mine.

    Benny:Hey, the two piles aren’t equal. You definitely got the lion’s share. You do that to me every time. That’s not fair!

    Julia:What are you going to do about it?

    Benny:I’m going to tell!

    Julia:You’re such a baby. Okay, if you don’t run to Mom, I’ll let you call shotgun the next time we go anywhere in the car.

    Benny:You will? You promise?

    Julia:I cross my heart and hope to die. Okay?

    Benny:All right, but I still want my fair share of the candy.

    Julia:Okay, I’ve evened out the piles. Satisfied?

    Benny:Yeah. And can I do the divvying up next time?

    Julia:Don’t push your luck!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客558:使用智能手机 下一篇:地道美语听力播客560:海岛度假

