地道美语听力播客656: 参加前男友婚礼(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:566  
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    Andy: What did you do last weekend?


    Yuka: I went to Jamal’s wedding.


    Andy: Jamal?! Your ex Jamal?


    Yuka: Yes, that Jamal.


    Andy: He had the nerve to invite you to his wedding?


    Yuka: I actually thought it was nice of him to invite me. Whatever happened between us years ago iswater under the bridge. There are no hard feelings on either side.


    Andy: You told me that the breakup was mutual, but I always thought you still had a soft place in your heart for him.


    Yuka: The truth is, when we first broke up, I did harbor some hopes of the two of us getting back together, but that never came to pass. We both moved on and I wish him well.


    Andy: Well, how was the wedding?


    Yuka: It was very nice and Jamal’s new wife seems to be a good match for him.


    Andy: And you didn’t mind seeing them together?


    Yuka: Not at all, especially after I met Lorenzo.


    Andy: Lorenzo, huh? You’ve been holding out on me. Do tell!



    Andy: What did you do last weekend?

    Yuka: I went to Jamal’s wedding.

    Andy: Jamal?! Your ex Jamal?

    Yuka: Yes, that Jamal.

    Andy: He had the nerve to invite you to his wedding?

    Yuka: I actually thought it was nice of him to invite me. Whatever happened between us years ago iswater under the bridge. There are no hard feelings on either side.

    Andy: You told me that the breakup was mutual, but I always thought you still had a soft place in your heart for him.

    Yuka: The truth is, when we first broke up, I did harbor some hopes of the two of us getting back together, but that never came to pass. We both moved on and I wish him well.

    Andy: Well, how was the wedding?

    Yuka: It was very nice and Jamal’s new wife seems to be a good match for him.

    Andy: And you didn’t mind seeing them together?

    Yuka: Not at all, especially after I met Lorenzo.

    Andy: Lorenzo, huh? You’ve been holding out on me. Do tell!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客655:捐献器官(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客657: 筹划孩子派对(双语)

