地道美语听力播客820: 观看动作片(双语)
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    Claude: Oh no, this isn’t another action movie, is it? 
    Jean: Of course not. I know you like thrillers and this is a thriller. 
    Claude: This definitely seems like a brainless action movie to me. That’s the second fight scene and we’re only 15 minutes into the film. 
    Jean: It’s a thriller that’s supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Of course it’ll have some fight scenes. 
    Claude: And car chases? We’ve had three of those already, too. 
    Jean: Like any good thriller, it has a hero in a life-threatening situation and an evil villain in hot pursuit
    Claude: That sounds like a run-of-the-mill action movie to me. This movie is full of visual effects and stunts. It’s all about the adrenaline-rush. It’s not what I would call a psychological thriller
    Jean: Maybe it straddles the line between an action film and a thriller, but it’s good, isn’t it? 
    Claude: I’ll let you know once this ultra-violent fight scene is over. 


    Claude: Oh no, this isn’t another action movie, is it? 
    Jean: Of course not. I know you like thrillers and this is a thriller. 
    Claude: This definitely seems like a brainless action movie to me. That’s the second fight scene and we’re only 15 minutes into the film. 
    Jean: It’s a thriller that’s supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Of course it’ll have some fight scenes. 
    Claude: And car chases? We’ve had three of those already, too. 
    Jean: Like any good thriller, it has a hero in a life-threatening situation and an evil villain in hot pursuit
    Claude: That sounds like a run-of-the-mill action movie to me. This movie is full of visual effects and stunts. It’s all about the adrenaline-rush. It’s not what I would call a psychological thriller
    Jean: Maybe it straddles the line between an action film and a thriller, but it’s good, isn’t it? 
    Claude: I’ll let you know once this ultra-violent fight scene is over. 
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