第22单元 克服失读症
My whole life I have had to deal with dyslexia.Dyslexia is when you look at letters and numbers, and they get all mixed up. You may read a word thinking it says one thing but, in fact, it says something different all together. Obviously, this made reading and writing very difficult.
Before someone recognized my problem, I suffered greatly in school. Kids would tease me when I read out loud, and teachers would tell me I wasn’t trying hard enough. I became shy and didn’t want to read out loud or even quietly, I hated reading.
In grade four, I had a wonderful teacher who realized I had a problem. Right away, I was put into special classes. Over time, I learned to like reading. In fact, I came to love it.
Now, at the age of thirty, I am a published author and a public speaker. So, it goes to show that if you put your mind to something, you can overcome anything!