第4单元 提高自我的价值
It took 46 years for me to realize that I was holding myselfback in my career. I am a businessman and I love it! However I wasn’t giving myself enough creditfor my skills. In other words, I wasn’t charging enough for my services.
I was working too hard and barely getting by. This created a bad situation. Many people were calling me to ask for my services because they had heard about my low fees. I was overworked and began to dislike my job.
A few months ago, I took a workshop that taught me how to recognize my skills and see their dollar value. I began to see myself as a professional instead of someone to be takenadvantage of .
It has been only a few months but I am beginning to see many fantastic changes in my career and life. My clientele has also changed. I am receiving jobs from some pretty amazing and important people in the community. I feel grateful that I have discovered a new relationship with my career and myself.