He looked down, folding his large hands togetherslowly on the table. His eyes flickered up at me fromunder his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face.
"But that's the easiest one," I objected.
"Next," he repeated.
I looked down, frustrated. I unrolled my silverware, picked up my fork, and carefully speared aravioli. I put it in my mouth slowly, still looking down, chewing while I thought. The mushroomswere good. I swallowed and took another sip of Coke before I looked up.
"Okay, then." I glared at him, and continued slowly. "Let's say, hypothetically of course, that…someone… could know what people are thinking, read minds, you know — with a fewexceptions."
"Just one exception," he corrected, "hypothetically."
"All right, with one exception, then." I was thrilled that he was playing along, but I tried toseem casual.
"How does that work? What are the limitations? How would… that someone… find someone elseat exactly the right time? How would he know she was in trouble?" I wondered if myconvoluted questions even made sense.
"Hypothetically?" he asked.
"Well, if… that someone…"
"Let's call him 'Joe,'" I suggested.
He smiled wryly. "Joe, then. If Joe had been paying attention, the timing wouldn't have neededto be quite so exact." He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Only you could get into trouble in atown this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, youknow."
"We were speaking of a hypothetical case," I reminded him frostily.
He laughed at me, his eyes warm.
"Yes, we were," he agreed. "Shall we call you 'Jane'?"
"How did you know?" I asked, unable to curb my intensity. I realized I was leaning toward himagain.