第十四章 精神胜于物质
He could drive well, when he kept the speed reasonable, I had to admit. Like so many things, itseemed to be effortless to him. He barely looked at the road, yet the tires never deviated somuch as a centimeter from the center of the lane. He drove one-handed, holding my hand onthe seat. Sometimes he gazed into the setting sun, sometimes he glanced at me — my face,my hair blowing out the open window, our hands twined together.
He had turned the radio to an oldies station, and he sang along with a song I'd never heard. Heknew every line.
"You like fifties music?" I asked.
"Music in the fifties was good. Much better than the sixties, or the seventies, ugh!" Heshuddered. "The eighties were bearable."
"Are you ever going to tell me how old you are?" I asked, tentative, not wanting to upset hisbuoyant humor.
"Does it matter much?" His smile, to my relief, remained unclouded.
"No, but I still wonder…" I grimaced. "There's nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you upat night."
"I wonder if it will upset you," he reflected to himself. He gazed into the sun; the minutespassed.
"Try me," I finally said.
He sighed, and then looked into my eyes, seeming to forget the road completely for a time.Whatever he saw there must have encouraged him. He looked into the sun — the light of thesetting orb glittered off his skin in ruby-tinged sparkles — and spoke.