第十六章 卡莱尔
He led me back to the room that he'd pointed out as Carlisle's office. He paused outside thedoor for an instant.
"Come in," Carlisle's voice invited.
Edward opened the door to a high-ceilinged room with tall, west-facing windows. The walls werepaneled again, in a darker wood — where they were visible. Most of the wall space was takenup by towering bookshelves that reached high above my head and held more books than I'dever seen outside a library.
Carlisle sat behind a huge mahogany desk in a leather chair. He was just placing a bookmark inthe pages of the thick volume he held. The room was how I'd always imagined a college dean'swould look — only Carlisle looked too young to fit the part.
"What can I do for you?" he asked us pleasantly, rising from his seat.
"I wanted to show Bella some of our history," Edward said. "Well, your history, actually."
"We didn't mean to disturb you," I apologized.
"Not at all. Where are you going to start?"
"The Waggoner," Edward replied, placing one hand lightly on my shoulder and spinning mearound to look back toward the door we'd just come through. Every time he touched me, ineven the most casual way, my heart had an audible reaction. It was more embarrassing withCarlisle there.