He was standing a few feet away from me, arms folded, looking at me curiously. There was no menace in his face or stance. He was so very average-looking, nothing remarkable about his face or body at all. Just the white skin, the circled eyes I'd grown so used to. He wore a pale blue, long-sleeved shirt and faded blue jeans.
"I suppose you're going to tell me that your boyfriend will avenge you?" he asked, hopefully it seemed to me.
"No, I don't think so. At least, I asked him not to."
"And what was his reply to that?"
"I don't know." It was strangely easy to converse with this genteel hunter. "I left him a letter."
"How romantic, a last letter. And do you think he will honor it?" His voice was just a little harder now, a hint of sarcasm marring his polite tone.
"I hope so."
"Hmmm. Well, our hopes differ then. You see, this was all just a little too easy, too quick. To be quite honest, I'm disappointed. I expected a much greater challenge. And, after all, I only needed a little luck."
I waited in silence.
"When Victoria couldn't get to your father, I had her find out more about you. There was no sense in running all over the planet chasing you down when I could comfortably wait for you in a place of my choosing. So, after I talked to Victoria, I decided to come to Phoenix to pay your mother a visit. I'd heard you say you were going home. At first, I never dreamed you meant it. But then I wondered. Humans can be very predictable; they like to be somewhere familiar, somewhere safe. And wouldn't it be the perfect ploy, to go to the last place you should be when you're hiding the place that you said you'd be.
a few feet away from me
CNN reported Jessica Yellin the moment that she was beamed into the CNN studios just a few feet away from me last night.
They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from them.
Long sleeve features a double-elbow and sleeve keepers to help keep your sleeves rolled up.
At least
genteel hunter
The old hunter accounted for two wolves that night.老猎人在那天晚上猎到两只狼。
The hunter stalked the bear through the woods.那个猎人穿过树林,悄悄走近熊。
The hunter steadied his rifle and fired.猎人端稳了猎枪,然后开了火。
The fox ran away before the hunter shot it.
The old hunter accounted for two wolves that night.
in silence
沉默地; 无声地
They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.
I could not stand it in silence any more and disclosed it to my best friend.
perfect ploy
Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect.
The weather during our holiday was perfect.
The project is far from perfect.