询盘 英语 基本词汇和句子 Words and Expressions
promising [ 5prCmisiN ] 有希望的,有前途的
initial [ i5niFEl ] 最初的
a long- term contract 长期合同
grant [ ^rB:nt ] 批准,给予
substantial [ sEb5stAnFEl ] 数量大的,大量的
subject to our confirmation 以我方确认为准
covering [ 5kQvEriN ] 有关的
chain department store 连锁百货店
receipt [ ri5si:t ] 收到;收据
a ready market 市场畅销
do business on a commission basis 做有佣金的买卖
price sheet / price list 价格单
as a rule 通常,一般来说
C.I.F Vancouver 温哥华到岸价
quotation [ kwEu5teiFEn ] 报价,标价
enquiry [ in5kwaiEri ] 询价
showroom [5FEJrJm] 展示厅,陈列室
hardware [ 5hB:dwZE ] 五金制品
There’s no indication of price. 没有标明价格。
commission [ kE5miFEn ] 佣金
sales literature 销售说明书
specification [ 7spesifi5keiFEn ] 规格
F.O.B. prices 离岸价,船上交货价
firm offer/ tentative offer 实盘/议盘