I) 接单生产
A: 商界名言
1.time is smoney ----时间就是金钱
2.time and tide wait for no man ---时不我待
3.of nothing comes nothing ---巧妇难为无米之炊
4.think twice before you do ---三思而后行
5. man propose , god disposes(布置 安排)-- 谋事在人 成事在天
heavy booking---------------大量订单
send a quotation-----------寄送报价单
a business activity ---------业务活动
business centre ------------业务中心
a substantial order -------大额订单
to conclude a contract --缔结合同
draft a contract -----------草拟合同
fulfill a contract -----------履行合同
voilet a contract ----------违反合同
contract terms -----------合约
a rich assortment --------花色繁多
habitual tastes =====习惯爱好
main customers ------------主要客户
substitute -------------------替代品
exceptional value --------------超值
complete an order -------------完成订单
execute an order -------------执行订单
back order -----------------------尚未执行订单
trail order ------------------------试销订单
make delivery -------------------办理交货
postpone delivery --------------延迟交货
the lastest fashions ---------------最新流行式样
EOQ(economic order quantity)-最小起订量
careful handling ---------------------小心搬运
Bill of material ( BOM) --------------样式清单
1. Enclosed we send an order which please execute at your lowest prices . It is our first trail of your goods and we shall carefully examine their value !
随涵附寄一份订单, 敬请按你方最低价执行, 此乃我方首次试订你方货物, 自当仔细检查货物价值
2. if you want to place an order, you can contact you local distribution centre . You may finf they have printable order form on their website. If so print out the form and fill them out
如果你要下单 请联系当地的销售中心 或许你会发现他们网站上有可供打印的订单样张, 如果是这样的话 只要打印并填写订单即可
3. The deposite should be executed in written form, the parties shall specify the time limited fot the delivery of deposite in the deposite contract . The deposite contract should be become effective on the date of the actual delievry of deposite
定金应当以书面形式约定。 当事人尹丹丹在顶定金合同里约定交付定金的期限, 定金合同从实际交付定金之日期生效
4.However we would like you to consider taking 50 bales of grade 2 wool . it is priced 10% lower . This substitution is , of course, subject to your approval !
不过 我倒是希望贵公司考虑以50 包二级羊毛最为替代品, 其价格较一级羊毛低10% 当然这一替代方法需贵公司认可!