EXW(ex works)工厂交货
FCA(free carrier)货交承运人
FAS(free alongside ship)装运港船边交货
FOB(free on board)装运港船上交货
CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费
CIF(cost,insurance and freight)成本加保险费、运费
CPT(carriage paid to)运费付至
CIP(carriage and insurance to)运费、保险费付至
DAF(delivered at frontier)边境交货
DES(delivered ex ship)目的港船上交货
DEQ(delivered ex quay)目的港码头交货
DDU(delivered duty unpaid)未完税交货
DDP(delivered duty paid)完税后交货
FOB liner terms FOB班轮条件
FOB under tackle FOB吊钩下交货
FOB stowed FOB理舱费在内
FOB trimmed FOB平舱费在内
FOBST(FOB stowed and trimmed) FOB包括理舱费和平舱费在内的各项装船费用
CFR liner terms CFR班轮条件
CFR landed CFR卸至码头
CFR ex tackle CFR吊钩下交货
CFR ex ship's hold CFR舱底交货
CIF liner terms CIF班轮条件
CIF landed CIF卸至码头
CIF ex tackle CIF吊钩下交货
CIF ex ship's hold CIF舱底交货
the seller's obligations卖方义务