听电影学英语 钢琴师08
教程:听电影学英语 钢琴师  浏览:661  
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    [00:10.34]How we doing? 知道要干什么吗
    [00:12.30]We're supposed to blow it up 我们要拆了这东西
    [00:14.89]not wait for it to be eaten by the fishes 不要让鱼先把它给吃了
    [00:18.35]You're not going to blow up a goddamn thing 你们不能拆了它
    [00:20.85]because my best friend is on this ship 我最好的朋友还在船上
    [00:24.19]You'll all be responsible for murder 你们要承担谋杀的罪行
    [00:26.19]Get him out of here! 让他滚出去
    [00:28.15]Do whatever you want, but get him off my case 把他给我赶出去
    [00:30.11]I'm not making this up and I'm not crazy 我不是来捣乱的 我也没疯
    [00:32.82]If I tell you there's a man 如果我告诉你
    [00:33.98]aboard the Virginian 有人在维吉尼亚号上
    [00:35.15]Jesus Christ 我对天发誓
    [00:36.86]it means there's a man aboard the Virginian 确实还有人在船上
    [00:38.57]We cleaned that scuttle from stem to stern 我们把船上上下下清了个遍
    [00:41.41]Not even doorknobs were left 连门把手都没留下
    [00:43.39]Only dynamite. Dynamite 只留下了炸药 炸药
    [00:45.37]How can you be so sure that's a man on board? 你怎么确信有人在船上
    [00:47.17]If you've any proof, out with it 如果你有证据 拿出来
    [00:49.13]Because I'm the horse's arse 因为我就是那个
    [00:50.29]who has to throw that switch 按下爆破按钮的人
    [00:51.46]I'm sure he's there 我确信他在那
    [00:54.51]I spent the best years of my life 我人生最好的时光
    [00:56.13]on the Virginian 都在维吉尼亚号上
    [01:34.25]End of line 换曲了
    [01:58.06]All right! Run it down 酷 弹下去
    [03:42.12]What the hell do you think 你弹琴的时候
    [03:43.53]about when you're playing? 都在想些什么
    [03:44.95]Where does your mind go 击键时
    [03:46.78]when you hit the keys? 你的思维去了哪
    [03:49.42]Last night I was in a beautiful country 昨晚我在一个美丽的村庄
    [03:53.59]Women had perfume in their hair 女人香气扑鼻
    [03:55.02]Everything glowed 荣光焕发
    [03:57.26]And it was full of tigers 还有数不尽的老虎
    [03:59.68]He traveled. 他在神游
    [04:01.86]And each time he ended up someplace different 每次都去往不同的地方
    [04:04.05]In the heart of London 在伦敦的中心
    [04:06.13]on a train in the middle of the country 在穿过田园的列车上
    [04:08.22]on the edge of a giant volcano 在火山的边缘
    [04:10.93]in the biggest church in the world 在世界上最大的教堂
    [04:13.65]counting the columns 数着石柱
    [04:15.84]and staring up at the crucifixes 仰望着神灵
    [04:18.98]He traveled 他在神游
    [04:21.24]Hey, Kid, give us a good tarantella 孩子 弹一首欢快的塔朗泰拉
    [04:24.74]And you show me how a tarantella goes paisa 那你要告诉我什么是塔朗泰拉
      上一篇:听电影学英语 钢琴师07 下一篇:听电影学英语 钢琴师09

