VOA一分钟英语:口语发音现象 非重读央元音 /Ə/
教程:VOA一分钟英语  浏览:265  
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    在口语交流中,尤其是英语母语人士在交谈时,一些单词中的元音,甚至个别单词,会被简化读成一个类似 /Ə/ 的 “懒音”。学习这类缩略音的发音规律有助于让我们的英语听起来更自然、流畅。
    Let's find out how to make your pronunciation more natural.
    So, in fast speech we don't pronounce every word equally.
    Fast words are often pronounced as this sound – the schwa.
    It's a lazy sound like this: /Ə/ Here are some examples.
    In natural speech, grammar words like articles, prepositions can be reduced to a schwa.
    A and of can become /Ə/. An becomes /Ən/. To becomes /tƏ/.
    A cup of tea becomes /Ə/ cup /Ə/ tea.
    Also the auxiliary have is often reduced to just /Ə/.
    Would have becomes /ˈwʊd·ə/, should have – /ˈʃʊd·ə/ and could have – /ˈkʊd·ə/.
    You should've told me, I would've helped.
    And with going to, the to often becomes /Ə/ so we get /ˈɡə.nə/ and want to becomes /ˈwə.nə/.
    So, if you wanna sound more natural you're gonna have to use the schwa.
    口语交流中,有些元音会被弱化成 “非重读央元音” /Ə/。比如:
    1. 冠词 “a”、“an”,介词 “to”、“of” 等语法词:
    A cup of tea → /Ə/ cup /Ə/ tea
    I'll talk to him later → I'll talk /tƏ/ him later
    What an odd thing to say → What /Ən/ odd thing to say
    2. 助动词 “have”:
    You should have told me, I would have helped. → You /ˈʃʊd·ə/ told me, I /ˈwʊd·ə/ helped.
    I could have done that → I /ˈkʊd·ə/ done that
    3. 搭配 “going to” 和 “want to”: 
    I'm going to go there and check → I'm /ˈɡə.nə/ go there and check
    Do you want to come? → Do you /ˈwə.nə/ come?
      上一篇:VOA一分钟英语:动词后缀 -ed 的三种发音 下一篇:VOA一分钟英语:英国人怎样说 “累”?学习四个说法

