美语怎么说(视频版) 第1讲:Lady Killer! 大众情人
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    主持人Kat和杨琳带你走进她们幽默搞怪的日常生活,带你边玩边学地道美语!今天除了走进广播演播室外,两个人还要讨论。。。大众情人!!! 大众情人: lady killer 难伺候: high maintenance 配不上: out of your league

    K- whew. Now that that's done, onto the more important business. What we doing this weekend?

    L- Wait. WE? 我们?我们是什么意思?我呢,要去听爵士音乐会,你呢?我就不太清楚了….

    K- Ha. As if youd get away from me. So…any cute guys? Eh?

    L- NO.

    K- Come on.

    {L- NO.

    K- Well I'm sure there's at least ONE!}

    L- Actually, there are a couple of guys. 不过你最好离他们远点,都是危险的大众情人型!

    K-大众情人? What does that mean?

    L- um…you know , 就是所有女孩都追着的那种!

    K- Ohhh… I think we say that guy is a "lady killer" in English. Some guy who's really good looking and women just THROW themselves at them. Yeah. No thanks. I'll pass. (standing up)

    L- Yeah, I feel the same way. 看看还可以,做男朋友太没安全感了。

    K- Exactly. I made the mistake of dating this guy once- totally handsome, totally high maintenance.

    L- wait- high maintenance?

    K- Like you, you know. Hard to satisfy, really needy, always moody. If I already work with you, why do I need one of them?

    L- Too bad. It's not up to you! 那你想找个什么样的呀?

    K- Now see, I have PLANS for my next guy. He'll be tall, dark, handsome, loves hiking, listens to punk. Has a thing for radio hosts.

    L- (to another camera她又做梦啦!)

    K-What's your type?

    ​​L-那肯定是高富帅嘛! 什么都得听我的,长的嘛,就像阿信!

    K- Yeah right, 阿信 is totally out of your league. He is too good for you, you have no chance of getting with him.

    L- 我配不上阿信?!

    K- Exactly. So. What time are you picking me up to go to the concert?

    *door closes*

    L- ??????? (puzzled face)

      上一篇:查看所有《美语怎么说(视频版)》 下一篇:美语怎么说(视频版) 第2讲:面试准备之突击复习


