主持人Mike Bond和杨琳带你走进他们幽默搞怪的日常生活,带你边玩边学地道美语!今天Kevin给了这两人一个任务,帮他找礼物!看看他们俩干得怎么样?
1. The name of the game 最重要的方面;
2. Give credit where credit is due 论功行赏;
3. At one’s wit’s end 无计可施;
4. Come back to bite me 惹火上身;
5. Get back at someone 报复某人
1. The name of the game 最重要的方面;
2. Give credit where credit is due 论功行赏;
3. At one’s wit’s end 无计可施;
4. Come back to bite me 惹火上身;
5. Get back at someone 报复某人