8 舞蹈
你会跳舞吗? Can you dance?
我们去跳舞好吗? Shall we go dancing?
你喜欢跳舞吗? Do you like dancing?
你喜欢跳什么舞? What kind of dance do you like?
我们来跳的士高吧? Let's do Disco.
能请你跳个舞吗? Would you accept my arm?
能赏脸同我跳支舞吗? Can I have the pleasure of dance?
音乐又起了, 在跳一曲好吗? The music started again, what about another dance?
当然可以。 sure.
对不起, 我不想跳探戈舞。Sorry, I don't care for the Tango.
对不起, 我不会跳舞。 I'm sorry, I can't dance.
对不起,已经有人请我跳下个舞了。 Sorry, I mean gives for the next dance.
对不起, 我有点累了。I'm sorry. I'm a bit tired.
对不起,我想休息一会。I'm sorry. I want to have a rest.
我舞跳的不好。 I'm not a good dancer.
对不起,踩你的脚了。 Sorry for stepping on you toe.
你跳的很好。 You dance very well.