2当心扒手 Be ware of pickpockets!
3小心 Look out!
4小心别碰头 Mind your head!
5小心你的脚步 Watch your step!
6别管闲事 Mind your bussiness!
7规矩点 Behave yourself!
8注意你的言语 Watch your tongue!
9别耍花招 Don't try any tricks.
10不要玩弄他人的感情 Don't play with others' feelings.
11不要自私自利 Don't be so selfish.
12不要那么骄傲自大 Don't be stuck up.
13不要那么势利 Don't be so snobbish.
14不要说别人的坏话 Don't speak ill of others.
15不要吹牛 Don't brag.
16不要言而无信 Don't go back on your word.
17不要答应自己做不到的事情 Don't take on more than you can.
18不要抱怨,只要照我的话去做是了 Don't complain and do as you're told.
19上班不要聊天看报 Don't chat or read at work.
20不要随地吐痰 Don't spit on the ground.
21不要随地扔纸屑 Don't litter the ground.
22今天能做的事不要拖到明天 Don't defer to tomorrow when you can do today.
23做事不要半途而废 Never do things by halves.
24别那么淘气 Don't be so naughty.
25别那么粗鲁 Don't be so rude.
26不要将粗口话 Don't talk dirty.
27下次不要迟到了 Don't be late next time.
28不要贸然下结论 Don't jump to conclusions.
29不懂不要装懂 Don't pretend to know when you don't know.
30不要丢人现眼 Don't make a fool of yourself.
31人不可貌相 Don't judge a person by his appearance.
32三思而后行 Look before you leap.
33不要操之过急 Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
34不要感情用事 Don't give way to feelings.
35不要心不在焉 Don't be absent-minded.
36不要那么轻浮 Don't be so frivolous.
37不要对他抛媚眼 Don't make eyes on him.
38不要和女孩调情 Don't flirt with girls.
39不要做得太过分 Let's not go overboard.
40不要赶时髦 Let's not jump on the bandwagon.
41不要对他的想法泼冷水 Don't throw cold water on his ideas.
42不要扫我们的兴 Don't dampen our spirits.
43先看情形再说 Let's wait and see how things go.
44提防他点 Watch out for him.
45请手下留情 Please go easy on me.
46抓紧我 Hold me tight.
47坐稳了 Hold on.
48轻轻的来 Easy does it.
49这里有陷阱 There's a little catch.
50你的态度很差 You had a bad attitude.
51动作快点 Hurry up.
52遵守规则 Follow the rules.