How long do you think they'll be? I'm starving.
他们还要多久 我饿死了
Have you settled the ladies?
Yes, Mr Carson.
是的 Carson先生
Then it won't be long once they go through.
Do you think he'll speak out?
Do you think we'll have a duchess to wait on?
以后 我们服侍的可就是公爵夫人了
Imagine that!
You won't be waiting on her!
There is no reason why the eldest daughter and heiress of the Earl should not wear a duchess'scoronet with honor.
伯爵的长女 又是继承人没理由不能当公爵夫人
Heiress, Mr Carson? Has it been decided?
继承人 Carson先生 确定吗
It will be, if there's any justice in the world.
Well, we'll know soon enough.
What are you doing, Anna?
你干什么 Anna
I thought I'd take something up to Mr Bates, he not being well enough to come down.
我想给Bates先生拿点吃的去 他不舒服 所以 没下来
You don't mind, do you, Mrs Hughes?
您不介意吧 Hughes夫人
I don't mind. Not this once.
去吧 下不为例
No, take him whatever he might need.
Mr Bates is leaving without a stain on his character.
Bates先生的辞职 和他的人品无关
I hope you all observe that in the manner of your parting.
你们在道别时 请注意这点
I don't see why he has to go. I don't mind doing extra.
不明白他为何要走 我不介意多做
It's not up to you.
I'll take care of his Lordship, shall I?
No, while you're looking after the Duke, you won't.
不行 你还要伺候公爵
I'll see to his Lordship myself.