umbrella n. 伞
please int. 请
here adv. 这里
my possessive adjective 我的
ticket n. 票
number n. 号码
five num. 五
sorry adj. 对不起的
sir n. 先生
cloakroom n. 衣帽存放处
there 那儿
home 家
abroad 国外
downstairs 楼底下
upstairs 楼上
downtown 市中心
one 一 six 六 eleven 十一
two 二 seven 七 twelve 十二
three 三 eight 八 thirteen 十三
four 四 nine 九 fourteen 十四
five 五 ten 十 fifteen 十五
my umbrella and my coat please. 省略了动词和间接宾语的祈使句
here is是简单的倒装句
My ticket is here. 我的票在这。
Here is my ticket. Here’s my ticket.
No. five
sir:polite form used in addressing a man especially in a shop or by children talking to maleteachers
gentleman 绅士,对男性比较有礼貌的称呼,在公众场合最得体的称呼
guy 在美国英语中对男性一种不正式的称呼,家伙
boy 男孩,在美语中不正式的称呼,可以称呼各种年龄的男性
Mister Black 布莱克先生
What can I do for you, sir? 我能为你做什么呢,先生?
★ Text
My coat and my umbrella please.
Here is my ticket.
Thank you sir.
Number five.
Here is your umbrella and your coat.
This is not my umbrella.
Sorry sir.
Is this your umbrella?
No, it isn’t.
Is this it?
Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.