shut v. 关门
bedroom n. 卧室
untidy adj. 乱,不整齐
must modal verb 必须,应该
open v. 打开
air v. 使…通风,换换空气
put v. 放置
clothes n. 衣服
wardrobe n. 大衣柜
dust v. 掸掉灰尘
sweep v. 扫
shut 强调关门的过程或方式(更口语化一些)
close 强调关门的动作
slam 摔上门,用力关上门
shup up 闭嘴
zip your lips 闭嘴
tidy 整齐的、整洁的
untidy 不整齐
luky 幸运的
unlucky 不幸的
happy 幸福的
unhappy 不开心的
open the windown 打开窗户
You must open the window.
They must shut the door.
You mustn’t open the windows.
Must I open the window?
Yes, you must.
No, you needn’t.
What must I do?
What must they do?
airforce 空军
air conditioner 空调
air express 航空快递邮件
aircraft carrier 航空母舰
walk on the air 飘飘然,得意洋洋
sweep 用笤帚扫地
dust (梳妆台、电脑)轻轻地掸掉灰尘 dustman 清洁工 dustpan 畚箕
clean 清洁(含义比较广泛,清洁所有的东西)
clear 清除(将剩余的一些东西清除掉)
wipe (用抹布)擦去
cleanse 用水清除
stand up
sit down
come in
put these clothes in the wardrob
★ Text
Come in, Amy.
Shut the door, please.
This bedroom is very untidy.
What must I do, Mrs. Jones?
Open the window and air the room.
Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.
Then make the bed.
Dust the dressing table.
Then sweep the floor.