Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch
It was Sunday. I never get up early onSundays. I sometimes stay in bed untillunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. Ilooked out of the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It's raining again." Justthen, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. "I'vejust arrived by train," she said. "I'm coming to see you."
"But I'm still having breakfast," I said.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I'm having breakfast," I repeated.
"Dear me," she said. "Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!"
1、It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays.
语言点1 never表示无条件的没有,意思相当于not,但两个词在用法上有区别:never后常接动词,而not表否定时前面一般需加助动词do,have等。
语言点2 never属于频率副词。
She never said a word the whole two hours.整整两个小时她一句话也没说。
语言点3 get up=rise(rose过去式, risen过去分词)起床
I rose at 6 o'clock this morning.今天早上我是6点钟起床的。
语言点4 get up early起得早;early bird早起者,早到的人
The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
语言点5 on Sundays, 请注意复数结尾,表示每逢星期天。
2、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.
语言点1 关于“有时”的表达:sometimes=at times=occasionally=now and then
语言点2 关于“睡觉”的表达:stay in bed躺在床上;stay up=be up醒着;insomnia失眠
语言点3 breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner正餐(多为晚餐);supper(晚餐);snack原指小吃,可指夜宵,注意与snake“蛇”区分;meal广义上的“餐”,没有时间限制。
3、Last Sunday I got up very late.
语言点1 Last Sunday为前置时间状语,也可以放于句尾。变化如下:I got up very late last Sunday.但时间状语前置更强调时间。
语言点2 比较学习:
1)late迟的,晚的:The airplane was late.飞机晚点了。
2)lately=recently最近,近来:Have you been there lately?近来你去过那里吗?
3)latest最新的:the latest news最新消息;the latest style最近款式