Our ncighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail fromPortsmouth tomorrow. We shall meet him at theharbour early in the morning. He will be in his smallboat, Topsail. Tapsail is a famous little boat. Ithas sailed across the Atlantic many times.Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock. So weshall have plenty of time. We shall see his boat andthen we shall say good-bye to him. He will be awayfor two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across theAtlantic.
4.Tapsail is a famous little boat.
语言点 比较学习:small, little
small通常指形状,外观尺寸的小,如:a small apple一个小苹果
little常指年龄等小,带有感情色彩,如:a little girl一个小女孩
5.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
语言点1 sail across横渡
语言点2 总结学习“四大洋”:the Atlantic Ocean大西洋;the Pacific Ocean太平洋;the Indian Ocean印度洋;the Arctic Ocean北冰洋
语言点3 many times许多次,次数前不加介词for:
I have been to Harbin for ten times.(错误)
I have been to Harbin ten times.(正确)
6.Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock.
语言点 总结“出发到某地”的短语:
set out for somewhere出发到某地
set off for somewhere出发到某地
start for somewhere动身到某地
make for somewhere走向/飞向某地
leave for somewhere前往某地(接目的地,并非离开某地)
head for somewhere前往某地(head都去了,很形象)
I shall leave for Hongkong this evening.今晚我将动身前往香港。
Where are you heading for?你们要去哪儿啊?