‘The play may begin at any moment,' I said.‘Itmay have begun already,' Susan answered.‘Ihurried to the ticket-office.'May I have twotickets please ?' I asked.‘I'm sorry, we've soldout,' the girl said.‘What a pity!' Susan exclaimed.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.‘Can Ireturn these two tickets?' he asked.‘Certainly,' thegirl said.‘Could I have those two tickets please ?' Iasked.‘Certainly, 'the girl said,‘but they are for next Wednesday's performance.‘I might as wellhave them,' I said sadly.
语法归纳:情态动词主要有: 1) can/could 能够;2) may / might 可以;3) must 必须;4)should/ ought 应该;5) need需要;6) dare敢于
一句话总结:除了ought常以ought to形式出现后加动词原形外,其他情态动词都直接加动词原形。
might as well最好…还是→might或许→may可能→could能够→can能够
1.‘The play may begin at any moment,' I said.‘It may have begun already,' Susananswered.
语言点 比较学习:
must be (可能性大):He must be a teacher. 他很可能是一名教师。
may be (可能性稍小):He may be a teacher.他也许是一名教师。
2.‘I hurried to the ticket-office.'May I have two tickets please ?' I asked.
语言点 hurry to somewhere指匆忙赶到某地,如果想催促某人“快点”,可以这样说:Come on.赶快。/Hurry!快点!/ You’re too slow.你太慢了。/ Can you go any faster? 你能走快点吗?/ We arerunning out of time.没时间了 !
Hold on. / Wait a minute.稍候。/ I’m hurrying.我正在赶。/ What’s the hurry?你着什么急啊? / I’mtrying.我一直在尽力。/Just give me a second, Fm almost done.再等一下,我快做完了。
3.‘I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.
语言点 表示道歉时常用以下句子:
I am so sorry.真是对不起! / Please forgive me.请你原谅我。/1 deeply regret hurting you.我 很后悔伤害了你。/ Please don’t be angry.请你别生气。/1 do sincerely apologize.我真诚地向你道歉。/1don’t know how I can make it up to you.我真不知道该如何补偿你才好。
No big deal.没事,小菜一碟。/ Apology accepted! 我接受你的道歉!/1 forgive you.我原谅你。/ We’llcall it even.我们俩之间扯平了。/ You’re not sincere enough.你不够真诚。
It’s better not to do anything wrong than to say you’re sorry one hundred times.说一百遍对不起不如不要做错事。/ Forgive and forget! 原谅他人,不要记仇!/ Saying you are sorry doesn’t meananything without action.如果只是口头道歉而没有实际行动则是一点意义都没有。
doesn't mean anything without action.如果只是口头道歉而没有实际行动则一点意义都没有。