Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before.
The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding.
7. Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong.
8. What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before.
语言点:句子结构分析:从句what they had in fact found作句子的主语,which引导定语从句,修饰ship,即“沉没多年的船”。
9. The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding.
语言点:句子结构分析; Alan Fielding是seaman的同位语。personal belongings的意思是“个人物品”。