He saysnothing about the poor selection of goods in the shops, or about those unfortunatepeople who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get to work. Whypeople are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilegeof living in the country is beyond me. They could be saved so much misery andexpense if they chose to live in the city where they rightly belong.
If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find the citycan provide you with the best that life can offer.
10.Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubiousprivilege of living in the country is beyond me.
11.They could be saved so much misery and expense if they chose to live in the citywhere they rightly belong.
12.If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find thecity can provide you with the best that life can offer.
语言点:the best在句中的用法相当于一个名词。