Nor is the city without its moments of beauty. There issomething comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wetwinter nights. Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends ondeserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every dayare tucked away in their homes in the country. It has always been a mystery to mewho city dwellers, who appreciate all these things, obstinately pretend that they wouldprefer to live in the country.
23.Nor is the city without its moments of beauty.
24.There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements oncold wet winter nights.
25.Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted citystreets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tuckedaway in their homes in the country.
语言点:句子结构分析: Few things could be more impressive than形成比较状语从句。
26.It has always been a mystery to me who city dwellers, who appreciate all thesethings, obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country.
语言点:句子结构分析: It has always been a mystery to me why…这个句型对于《新3》的学习者并不陌生。