These were the so-calledmainframe machines. Mainframe computerswere very large indeed, often occupying wholeair-conditioned rooms, employing full-timetechnicians and run on specially-written software. Though these large machines stillexist, many of their functions have been taken over by small powerful personalcomputers, commonly known as PCs.
4.These were the so-called mainframe machines.
5.Mainframe computers were very large indeed, often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms, employing full-time technicians and run on specially-writtensoftware.
6.Though these large machines still exist, many of their functions have been takenover by small powerful personal computers, commonly known as PCs.
虽然这种大计算机仍然存在,但它们的许多功能已被体积小但功能齐全的个人电脑—即我们常说的 PC机—所代替了。
PC(Personal Computer)个人电脑
Home computer 家用电脑
deskstop 台式电脑
laptop 笔记本电脑
palmtop 掌上电脑
penputer 笔触式电脑
teleputer 电视电脑