Over the years, one may well become an authority on one's hobby and willvery probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, ifsuccessful, to larger audiences. In this way self-confidence grows, first frommastering a subject, then from being able to take about it. Collecting, by occupyingspare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.
22.Over the years, one may well become an authority on one's hobby and will veryprobably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, tolarger audiences.
23.In this way self-confidence grows, first from mastering a subject, then from beingable to take about it.
24.Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented,with no time for boredom.
语言点:句子结构分析: by occupying spare time so constructively为方式状语。with no time forboredom为补充状语。