踏入新概念英语第二册的学习之旅,您将深刻体会到词汇的力量。作为沟通的基石,这里的每一个词汇都承载着丰富的内涵与广泛的应用,是提升语言能力的关键所在。掌握它们,如同手握开启新世界的钥匙,让您的英语学习之旅更加丰富多彩,沟通表达更加自如流畅。以下精选了新概念第二册Lesson 7的相关单词:detective/airport等,希望能为您带来帮助!
detective [di'tektiv] n.侦探
airport['eapo:t] 机场
airdrome 小型飞机场
at the airport 在飞机场
A: Are you satisfied with your slay here with us, sir?
A: 先生,您在这里住得满意吗?
B: Yes. By the way, could you deliver my luggage to the airport in advance?
expect [ɪk'spekt; ek-] 期待,等待
expectation 期待
await 期待
look forward to 期待
expect sb. to do sth 期待某人做某事
A: When can we expect your confirmation of the ordef?
A: 您什么时候确认订单?
B: As soon asI hear from Shanghai. That will be either Wednesday or Thursday.
valuable['væljʊb(ə)l] adj,贵重的
invaluable 无价的
inexpensive 便宜的
cheap 便宜的
A: Is there anything valuable in it?
A: 里面有什么贵重物品吗?
B: No.I've taken all of them with me.
B: 没有,我全带在身上了。
parcel['pɑːs(ə)l] 包裹
diamond ['daɪəmənd] n.钻石
steal [stiːl] v.偷
thief 小偷
steal away 偷走
steal ofr 偷去
steal out 偷偷溜走
A: Did the burglar steal anything of value?
A: 窃贼偷了什么值钱的东西吗?
B: Yes, he took my necklace and watch away。
B: 是的,他拿走了我的项链和手表。
main [meɪn] adj.主要的
mainly 主要地
mainland 大陆
leading 主要的
pnmary 主要的,根本的
A: Is this the bus for National Park?
B: No, it only goes as far as Main Street but you can get No. 312 there.
airfield ['eəfiːld] 飞机起落的场地
guarded 警觉的
protect 保护
on guard 值班,警戒
A: The guard will be relieved at midnight.
A: 守卫将在半夜换班。
B: How do you know that?
B: 你是这么知道的?
整理了新概念第二册Lesson 7:detective/airport等单词内容。随着新概念英语第二册词汇的深入学习,您将逐渐构建起坚实的词汇基础,为后续的英语学习铺平道路。