Policy: 政策
Days off: 休息天
Take a leave: 请假
Ask for time off: 请假
Go on vacation: 休假
Annual leave: 年假
Paid leave: 带薪假期
Benefits: 福利
Labor law: 劳动法
Overworked: 工作过度
Unpaid leave: 无薪假期
Get approval: 得到批准
Sick leave: 病假
Doctor's notice: 医生开的假条
I'm not feeling well: 我不舒服(病了)
Maternity leave: 产假(妈妈的)
Paternity leave: 新爸爸的“产假"
Out of office auto-reply: 假期邮件自动回复
I'm currently out of the office and will return on...: 我这段时间不在公司,..日会返回