Peter Drucker continues to be a great influence on me. I did not realize it at the time but Igrow up with Peter. My father spent 25 years in management at GE and another decade inChase Manhattan. He met Peter at GE’s Crotonvile management and training facility in the1950s and always had Drucker’s books and he studied at home. Though I had no interest inbusiness as a high school or undergraduate student I would read through Drucker classicsuch as The Effective Executive and The Practice of Management. Later, when I was in theUnited States navy I grew more interested in business, well running service and retailoperations at US air base in Japan. And I returned to Drucker.
彼得·德鲁克先生一直对我有莫大的影响,当时我并没有意识到,但是我却是在彼得·德鲁克先生的影响下成长起来的。我的父亲在通用电气做了 25年的管理工作,又在美国大通曼哈顿公司工作了10年。他是在20世纪50年代在通用电气的克劳顿管理及培训资源中心认识彼得的。此后我父亲在家经常学习德鲁克先生的著作。尽管我在高中及大学时期对商业并不感兴趣,但我已经拜读过德鲁克先生的经典著作,如《卓有成效的管理 者》及《管理的实践》。之后当我在美国海军工作时开始对商业感兴趣了。因为我当时负责美国海军航空驻日基地的服务与零售营运。我重读了德鲁克的著作。
I finally meet Peter in person at 1999. We talked for several hours for every question I posedPeter had one or two more things to think about. Persistently he urged me to choose to focuson a few wide strategies and decisions that would make a great difference for P&G. Hechallenged me to understand the unique leadership challenges of managing and organizationof knowledge workers in the 21st century.
我最终在1999年有幸亲自拜会了德鲁克先生。我们交谈了数个小时,我所提出的每一个问题,德鲁克先生都有一个或更多的想法和思考。他不断地激励我选择关注一些宏观的策略和商业决定以使得宝洁(P&G )卓尔不凡。他也让我明白管理21世纪的知识工作者们是当今领袖所面对的独特挑战。